New Saints Row Trailer Shows Off Open World Gameplay

The Saints Row reboot gave us our first look at its varied and sprawling open world, with the various districts of Santo Ileso.

The Saints Row soft reboot is a revitalised take on the Saints Row IP. With the previous games tackling alien invasions, it was maybe time to take a step back. And that’s exactly what the reboot is aiming to do, whilst maintaining its signature wackiness.

Now Volition gave us our first proper peak at its new open world. With fifteen district in the city of Santo Ileso, this is the biggest and most diverse setting the series has ever seen.

YouTube video

The Big City

Santa Ileso is a vibrant and varied open world. And this Vegas-inspired setting is filled with action potential. In the trailer we see players tearing through golf course in golf-carts, to slamming containers through city streets with helicopters. Volition describes Santo Ileso as a “modern urban crime-ridden city sandbox” and I can’t wait to explore it.

Credit: Volition

Each of its 15 districts are occupied by of the three enemy factions, meaning there is plenty to win over. But Saints Row will also keep it fresh for as you traverse Santo Ileso. All districts holds their own unique looks. points of interest, inhabitants and daily life. This sounds like you’ll need to go to specific districts for certain activities. You’ll be flitting from the urban jungle of Lakeshore to the withered Rancho Providencia.

What I really like from the look of the trailer is that it Santo Ileso may be diverse, but it all makes sense. There are no snow-districts a hop and skip away from desert areas. Everything feels different whilst holding onto the base identity of the city. And of course it does all of that whilst featuring a real visual variety.

The Saints Row trailer acts as the first in what will be a series of short videos explaining the game. Next up will be the criminal systems. These will lead up to Saints Row’s eventual release on February 25th. If you are still tearing through Saints Row 4, here are a list of the best cheat codes you can use.

What did you think of Santo Ileso? Let us know over on our social channels!

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Featured Image Credit: Volition